Threats to American Democracy: Internal and International by Dr. Fiona Hill

Fiona Hill catapulted to national prominence with her riveting testimony in the first Trump impeachment trial, where she demonstrated her deep, no-nonsense understanding of Russian-American relations; equally important, she exuded integrity, courage, and love of country. At that time, Hill was serving on the National Security Council.

Currently at Brookings, Dr. Hill worked previously The National Intelligence Council, The Eurasia Foundation, and Harvard’s Kennedy School. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Dr. Hill has written extensively on Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, regional conflicts, energy, and strategic issues. Her books include Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin, and The Siberian Curse: How Communist Planners Left Russia Out in the Cold (both co-authored with Clifford Gaddy).

Dr. Hill earned a master’s degrees from Harvard University and from Scotland’s St. Andrews University, and a doctorate from Harvard.

Based on her decades-long exploration of authoritarian regimes, Dr. Hill recently characterized the January 6th Capitol attack as an attempted "self-coup" from Trump. Her newest book is There Is Nothing for You Here: Opportunity in an Age of Decline, due out in September 2021.